Thriving Without

My Sober Journey and Why I Created ‘The Last Sip’

“Its been a rollercoaster ride” My journey to sobriety wasn’t a linear path. Like many, I started with good intentions, thinking I could manage my drinking and keep it under control I was caught in the cycle of social drinking—celebrating with friends, unwinding after a stressful day, and constantly using alcohol to cope with emotions or fill awkward silences. I didn’t see the problem at …

Thriving Without

15 fantastic surprise bonuses of binning the booze

Giving up booze isn’t just about avoiding hangovers or avoiding awkward texts after a hazy night out- it’s a golden ticket to some fantastic, unexpected rewards that you probably don’t expect. Imagine mornings where you wake up and spring out of bed instead of crawling. Adventures you actually remember. A 5 Star Uber rating because you are not spewing in the back seat or chewing …